After the official visit of the French Ambassador last summer, the teams of Ateliers ISA, had the honor and pleasure to welcome in last March Mr Feriani, the current Minister of Industry and SME’s in Tunisia.

Accompanied by a whole delegation, the Minister was welcomed by Mr Jmal (General Manager from Ateliers ISA) and two of our workers. This was followed by a visit of our workshops and a detailed presentation of the different services we offer to our customers.

Back in pictures on this particularly rewarding visit for all our teams…

Visit of Ateliers ISA by the Minister of Industry and SME’s in Tunisia

Arrival of the Minister of Industry and SME’s in Tunisia – Ateliers ISA

Visit of Ateliers ISA by the Minister of Industry and SME’s in Tunisia

Presentation by Mr Jmal of the different services – Ateliers ISA

Visit of Ateliers ISA by the Minister of Industry and SME’s in Tunisia

Visit of the workshops for Mr Feriani (Minister of Industry and SME’s in Tunisia – Ateliers ISA

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